The best in herd protection
Anatolian Shepherds
Make livestock losses a thing of the past
Benefits of Livestock Guarding Dogs
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Our Anatolian Shepherds

As a black Anatolian Shepherd, Sampson has an extremely rare color variety. Click here to read more about the genetics behind the black color in the Anatolian Shepherd. Sampson is the gentlest of giants, with the greatest love for all juvenile animals and concern for weak ones. He has the perfect temperament for a guardian; first using non-aggressive methods to deter unknown threats, slowly ramping up the aggression if the threat persists, and is not afraid to use lethal force if the threat cannot be deterred. We had a large coyote population that resided on and around our property until Sampson moved in and swiftly gave them their eviction notice. Sampson also keeps his eye on the sky, readily chasing off any aerial predators. He is worth is weight in gold – we have never lost a single kid to predators thanks to this guy.

Delilah takes her job seriously and is always the first one to take off to meet a possible threat. She is a tough girl, spending most of her time with our rowdy bucks, but also has a sweet side and loves to greet her human family as well as protect her herd. The bucks must also like her a lot too as she is often seen sunbathing in the midst of them, or snuggled up with them in the shed to keep warm during the winter.