Superior genetics that won’t break the bank
Available Goats
Your resource for registered purebred, commercial, or meat goats.
What Factors Affect Goat Pricing?
- Quality. Is the animal breeding quality or meat quality? Breeding quality animals are the best overall kids in the kidding group.
- Age. Yearling prices are higher than 90-Day prices because of the added cost of retaining the animal for a year. We only keep animals for that long if they meet our most rigorous criteria and therefore the buyer can have the highest level of confidence in the animal they are purchasing.
- Registration. Registered animals have additional costs including microchip, registration and DNA verification (verification of sire at a minimum).
Goat Prices
transparency you can depend on
Registered Breeding Animals
Only the top quality animals are sold as breeding animals and registration adds additional cost, so these are the highest priced animals on the farm.
- Most expensive
- Come with NKR registration, microchip, and sire DNA verification
Commercial Breeding Animals
Animals sold as commercial breeders are the same quality as our registered animals, but do not have the added registration cost. The lower price reflects this.
- Slightly less expensive than registered animals
Meat and/or Brush Animals
The price of meat and/or brush-clearing animals depends on the market price at the time.
- Charged by the pound based on market price at the time sold
Goats for Sale from Partnered Ranches
Our operation is limited in size due to land constraints and the amount of time we have available. Therefore, we occasionally partner with ranches/individuals to help connect sellers and prospective buyers. We believe our partners maintain the high ethical standards you have come to expect from us; however, information provided has not been independently verified. Our role here is to connect buyer and seller so that more individuals have access to quality animals. If you are interested in one of the below animals, send a goat inquiry (button above) and I will connect you with the seller.